UNIOCEAN Shipping Lines Ltd.

Shipping Agents In Chittagong, Mongla & Payra Sea Ports. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company

About UNIOCEAN Shipping Lines Ltd.

UNIOCEAN has built for itself an unshakable reputation for efficiency and trust; right from
meticulous planning, competitive rates and guaranteed service. We provide a full network
services in all Bangladesh ports (Chittagong, Mongla, Payra). We have a tendency to guarantee
your vessels enter and exit a port quickly and with efficiency, from pre-arrival to post departure; our personnel pay explicit attention to build up relations and rapport with port authorities,
customs, importers / exporters and all other service providers which ensures high quality service
and speedy communication in handling overall disbursement management.
We have experienced management team and professional trained staff; strive to provide the
highest level of customer services possible. We are committed to play a significant role in the
development of maritime economics of the Bangladesh.